WOMEN OF GRACE LUTHERANWomen of the ELCA Purpose Statement
As a community of women created in the image of God, called to discipleship in Jesus Christ and empowered by the Holy Spirit, we commit ourselves to grow in faith, affirm our gifts, support one another in our callings, engage in ministry and action, and promote healing and wholeness in the church, the society and the world. 2024 Grace Women of the WELCA Year Year-books are available. Please help yourself to one found in the tray on the shelf above the coat rack. Ruth Circle will meet Tuesday Sept. 24 at 6:30 in the Fireside room. Mary Circle will meet Tuesday Sept. 17th at 10:00 In the Fireside room. The fall study will be: “Receiving Grace a study of Ephesians” by the Rev. Heidi Haverkamp. Session 1, Is Grace real? All of you, feel free to join either circle to join in fellowship and Bible study. Willing Workers meet Mondays at 8:00AM to put quilts together. There are many tasks, including cutting squares, layout/design quilt tops, and tying quilts. Some of these tasks can be done at home. Come join us. Many hands make many quilts. Knit and Purl will be meeting on the 1st and 4th Tuesday of each month. We meet at 2 pm in the Fireside Room. We've had a summer break and now are back at it to get busier on prayer shawls and baby blankets. We welcome anyone that would like to learn how to knit or crochet; or just brush up on your skills. We have a great fellowship time and it always feels good to be creating something that will bring joy and comfort to others. Connie Gustafson |