Confirmation begins in 7th grade at Grace.
We have two years of Confirmation and then students are confirmed in the spring as they are completing 8th grade year.
The students study the Lord's Prayer, Ten Commandments, and the Old Testament.
Classes are in session on Wednesday evenings at 6:00 pm. Students are also required to come on Sunday mornings at 9:30 am for class as well.
Leader for confirmation is Pastor Dan. We also incorporate a Mentor/Mentee program in Confirmation. Mentors model Christian faith and life for the youth and build a relationship in which sharing of faith can occur.
Mentor/Mentee Nights (M&M Nights) take place once per month and begin at 5:30 pm with Light supper. The regular schedule includes: PIZZA, games, story/devotions, one-on-one time, and closing & prayer.
We have two years of Confirmation and then students are confirmed in the spring as they are completing 8th grade year.
The students study the Lord's Prayer, Ten Commandments, and the Old Testament.
Classes are in session on Wednesday evenings at 6:00 pm. Students are also required to come on Sunday mornings at 9:30 am for class as well.
Leader for confirmation is Pastor Dan. We also incorporate a Mentor/Mentee program in Confirmation. Mentors model Christian faith and life for the youth and build a relationship in which sharing of faith can occur.
Mentor/Mentee Nights (M&M Nights) take place once per month and begin at 5:30 pm with Light supper. The regular schedule includes: PIZZA, games, story/devotions, one-on-one time, and closing & prayer.
September - May
Sunday School is at 10:35 am on Sunday Mornings in the Fellowship Hall on the lower level. We welcome all children 3 years old to 6th grade to participate on Sunday mornings. The children not only hear about the Bible, but also get to use their hands and have fun to learn about God's great work!
The Sunday school students also participate in children's bells.
They perform for the congregation during worship about four or five times per year. They have a Christmas program in December as well.
September - May
Sunday School is at 10:35 am on Sunday Mornings in the Fellowship Hall on the lower level. We welcome all children 3 years old to 6th grade to participate on Sunday mornings. The children not only hear about the Bible, but also get to use their hands and have fun to learn about God's great work!
The Sunday school students also participate in children's bells.
They perform for the congregation during worship about four or five times per year. They have a Christmas program in December as well.